I am Thomas

and I am convinced that you too can improve your financial situation.

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I am happy to share with you the broad knowledge I have gained over 30 years as a private investor in almost all asset classes and from two pension schemes. Shall we get started right away?

Smolio pension check shows income in retirement with pensions 2020

Find the best pillar 3a

Unbelievable – most people pay too much for their pillar 3a and get too little return. Are you one of them? Find out which pillar 3a is best suited to you with just a few clicks in our free comparison.

Find the best pillar 3a

How much longer do I have to work? How much money will I get later in life?

Based on your personal input, the pension calculator determines in 1 minute how much income you will receive each year at retirement age from 1, 2nd and 3rd pillar each year.

Smolio pension check shows income in retirement with pensions 2020

Mach den ersten Schritt zur finanziellen Unabhängigkeit

In einer Minute siehst du deine Vermögensentwicklung und dein Einkommen während der Rente.

Rentenrechner starten

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finpension 3a Experience and Review 2025

Already had experience with finpension 3a? Many people think of VIAC when they think of securities in pillar 3a because of the low fees. But with finpension it’s even cheaper. We have known and used finpension for a long time. Benefit from our experience and the finpension 3a voucher code SMLUTQ.

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Invest in pillar 3b: Self-determined action for later life

You are already familiar with the three-pillar pension system in Switzerland and know how important pillar 3a is for you. But are you also familiar with pillar 3b and the differences to pillar 3a? Read on and find out what it means to invest in pillar 3b. Third pillar – voluntarily saving now for life…

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I use these products myself.

People keep asking me which providers I use and why. You can see this in the following overview.

CategoryProviderArgumentBonus on opening
Save ETFfindependentVery affordable, simple app solution With Code Smolio, 3,000 francs are managed free of charge for life.
Private accountRaiffeisenFree account with no monthly fee; MasterCard gives free admission to 700 museums
Health insurancePrimInfoEvery year I check which basic health insurance company offers my doctor the HMO model
Credit cardCerto! One 1% cashback at 3 favorite retailers. No card fee. 50 francs starting credit
Pillar 3afinpensionVery low total costswith code SMLUTQ 25 CHF bonus
WebhostingServertownAffordable web hosting in Switzerland
Securities custody accountSwissquotefor custody account value <1mio flat-fee custody account fee;
Flat-fee ETF trading for 9,- CHF
100,- Trading Credit


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