The planned pension tax on pillar 3a and pension fund withdrawals is causing a stir in Switzerland. With this tax increase as part of the relief package, the federal government wants to abolish tax advantages in pension provision. Read the article to find out what this could mean for your pension provision and what you need to know about it.
The duty-free allowance for private imports into Switzerland will only be CHF 150 from January 1, 2025. This change will affect you if you like to shop abroad. Find out how to deal with it smartly.
A purchase into the pension fund is subject to a blocking period for your lump-sum withdrawal. Find out how you can make effective use of the three-year rule and benefit from special tax advantages in Zurich.
How do I enter pillar 3a in my tax return?
After all, this saves you money.
Discover the answers to all your questions about pillar 3a in your tax return and securities register in the guide.
Discover how you can use indirect amortization to pay off mortgages cleverly and save on taxes at the same time.
But how exactly does it work and for whom is it worthwhile?
Use our calculator to find out how much you can benefit!
As a private individual, you have to submit your tax return by the end of March in most cantons. Do you want to apply for an extension? Or do you want to know how long you can extend and what happens if you miss the deadline? Find out all about it in the specialist article.
A recent, surprising ruling by the Federal Supreme Court calls previous practice into question and fundamentally changes the purchase of an AHV bridging pension.
Find out why this ruling turns previous practice on its head and what this means for you in terms of tax deductions on early retirement.
How many pillar 3a accounts should I open?
From what amount should I open a new pillar 3a account?
And: how many pillar 3a accounts are allowed?
Can I have several pillar 3a accounts at the same bank?
We hear these questions again and again.
Discover the five-account rule for pillar 3a and how you can save tax effectively.
Many people withdraw their vested benefits account at normal retirement age.
But how can you save tax on withdrawals from a vested benefits account?
Discover important changes with the AHV21 reform in the article.
At the latest at the turn of the year, many people are concerned with the deadline question: By when do I have to pay into pillar 3a?
What is the latest deadline?
And what is the deadline for the pillar 3a tax deduction?
Read on and don’t miss the latest case law on the deadline for your pillar 3a payment.
You can deduct professional expenses in connection with your salaried work from your taxes as a flat-rate deduction for professional expenses in 2024. The good news: the maximum deduction for travel expenses for direct federal tax will increase from 2025. We’ll tell you how much more you can save on tax.
Can I transfer money to the pension fund with pillar 3a?
Part-time employees often ask us this question.
We explain what is possible, whether it makes sense and what the consequences are.
The first lockdown began in Switzerland on March 16, 2020. A lot has changed since then. What tax deductions can you claim due to coronavirus? How do working from home, changes to your commute and meal costs affect your professional expenses in your tax return? And which deduction makes sense…
Corona and paying taxes? You will soon have to submit your tax return and, in many cantons, make an advance payment. For some of us, this can be financially tight. What can you do? We tell you what you can do.
We pay taxes either all at once or in fixed tax installments.
Paying taxes in advance means voluntarily paying the taxes you expect to pay in advance.
This can be worthwhile. Why?
With the pillar 3a tax deduction, you can save taxes with pillar 3a.
This is not only worthwhile because you have made provisions for later.
But also because you pay less tax today.
The pillar 3a tax deduction can make all the difference, especially when tax progression kicks in.
Discover our 7 best tax tips for pillar 3a.
Tax deductions ensure that you don’t contribute more money than necessary to these tasks. This is because tax deductions reduce your taxable income.
How can you save taxes with tax deductions?
Discover our best deductions!
As we have already written, “the more you pay into the pension fund, the more you get out”. Although your employer chooses your pension fund, you have a choice with many pension funds. You can voluntarily choose a higher savings option, make a pension fund purchase or make an early…