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Credit card fees 2025: eat more, pay less
What is the right credit card with low fees abroad? I used to prefer Revolut. But since Revolut introduced fees for Swiss customers, I’ve started using my PostFinance VISA credit card again. Discover my surprising findings in comparison with YUH.
Pillar 3a top-up payments: Now possible from 2026
What was that again? Pillar 3a top-up payments not possible? A purchase in pillar 3a is coming. We show you the facts, how it works and the advantages for you.
Pillar 3a guaranteed savings: Secure and profitable at the same time
Are you familiar with Pillar 3a Guaranteed Savings? It’s a new, innovative solution that cleverly combines security and potential returns. Find out how you can benefit from this balanced pension strategy and whether it’s right for you.
Pension tax on pillar 3a and pension fund withdrawals? All the info!
The planned pension tax on pillar 3a and pension fund withdrawals is causing a stir in Switzerland. With this tax increase as part of the relief package, the federal government wants to abolish tax advantages in pension provision. Read the article to find out what this could mean for your pension provision and what you…
Duty-free allowance for imports into Switzerland 2025: Watch out for the duty-free limit!
The duty-free allowance for private imports into Switzerland will only be CHF 150 from January 1, 2025. This change will affect you if you like to shop abroad. Find out how to deal with it smartly.