The mandatory benefits are minimum benefits that you receive from the 2nd pillar.
The Federal Law on Occupational Retirement, Survivors’ and Disability Pension Plans (BVG) has been in force since 1985. The BVG is intended to supplement AHV benefits so that you can continue your accustomed standard of living in an appropriate manner. The BVG distinguishes between compulsory and voluntary insured persons on the one hand, and employees and self-employed persons on the other. The BVG is primarily aimed at employees, but since 1997 it has also included the unemployed. It describes the cases in which they must take out compulsory insurance, i.e. pay compulsory contributions. And what they receive in return – the compulsory scheme.
Wann muss ich BVG-Beiträge leisten?
This is the case if the following three conditions are met. Firstly, you have an employment contract and are insured with the AHV/IV. Secondly, you are between the ages of 18 and have not yet reached the normal retirement age (64 / 65 for women / men, as of 2020). Thirdly, your annual salary is above the so-called entry threshold. In this case, your employer must pay contributions from your salary to the pension fund. The amount of the entry threshold and BVG insurance limit depend on the AHV maximum pension. The AHV maximum pension and the limits derived from it are reviewed every two years. For your BVG contributions, you receive the so-called mandatory amount.
Obligatorium als Gegenleistung für die BVG-Beiträge
The compulsory scheme provides minimum benefits for retirement pensions, death and disability. Self-employed persons can take out voluntary occupational pension insurance. To do so, they join a corresponding pension fund or the Substitute Occupational Benefit Institution and pay contributions to it.
If you would like to find out more, you can find out more from the Federal Social Insurance Officeor read the article on“Vorsorgesprache“.
![Compulsory 1 Smolio pension check shows income in retirement with pensions 2020](übersicht-niedergelassene_Smolio-Wissen.png)
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Last update: 17.09.2024 08:35