The conversion rate (also UWS) is a percentage percentage rate that you can use to calculate your annual lifelong pension from your retirement assets. Genauer gesagt handelt es sich um einen Mindestumwandlungssatz. Dieser schreibt vor, wie das Altersguthaben bei Rentenbeginn in der obligatorischen beruflichen Vorsorge ( obligation ) is converted into an annuity.
Currently (as of 2024), this is a uniform 6.8 percent for women and men. The rate has been set for years as part of planned Reforms which will have significant consequences for you. Let’s look at this using an example. With a conversion rate of 6.8 percent, you will receive a pension of 6,800 francs (=100,000 × 0.068) per 100,000 francs of retirement assets per year for the rest of your life.
In the extra-mandatory the law for occupational benefit plans in Art. 14 para. 2 does not provide for a conversion rate. This is why it is generally significantly lower than in the mandatory pension assets. Many pension funds only show an interest rate and a rate. This is referred to as an enveloping conversion rate. But don’t worry, even then you will receive the statutory conversion rate on the mandatory portion of your assets. minimum interest rate and the minimum conversion rate.
If you would like to find out more, you can contact the Federal Social Insurance Office or read the article on the “Pension discussion“.
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Last update: 01.12.2024 11:58