Financial independenceRetirement and pension planning

Corona and retirement provision: your 6-point plan

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Lesedauer 3 Minuten

The corona crash has shaken up the financial markets worldwide.
Valuation levels have changed dramatically.
What was in demand yesterday is out today, supposedly safe asset classes have fallen in unison with the prices of the stock markets.
What does this mean for you, your financial independence, your financial decisions and your retirement provision?

(3 minutes reading time)

Nothing has been the same since Corona

Since the coronavirus spread worldwide and led to a global lockdown, nothing has been the same.
That’s why we first looked at possible consequences and their
Effects on shares looked at.
Understanding what happened on the financial markets and why, and how investors and financial markets
react to information and changes was the focus of the next article.
Answers to the questions ”
Buy shares, sell, wait, start?” are the focus of the third article.
Now it’s all about what you can do sensibly with corona and retirement provision.

Great, clearance sale?
Really now?
Still feels bad

There’s an old saying that the stock market is the only business where the customers leave during the sales. out run out of the store.
The saying goes that during a market crash it always feels too late to sell and too early to buy Should you run out too or should you think first?

Below we briefly summarize our assessment of what you can do now in times of corona and retirement provision in pillar 3a and pillar 3b.
They follow on from the previous articles in the series.  

1. first stay cool and keep a steady hand

Existing equity investments are best left to run their course.
Or like the stock market expert and speculator
André Kostolany As he put it: “Buy shares, take sleeping pills and stop looking at them. After many years you will see: You are rich.”
Or in the words of guru Gopala Iskon: Why worry?

2. Continue – or start – monthly payments for pillar 3a securities

In pillar 3a, you put money aside for your financial retirement.
We simply let existing payments into pillar 3a securities continue as usual.  

Do you still have at least 10 years until you retire?
Because for a long-term investment horizon
Passive securities solutions in pillar 3a to.
If you currently hold your pillar 3a in a savings account, you can consider taking the opportunity of lower valuations to switch to a securities solution.
We believe that VIAC remains the
best offer offers.
Incidentally, they further reduced their fees for you at the beginning of 2020 and, as far as we know, offer the lowest fees.
Ask us about your personal
Savings code.
So werden die ersten 500 Franken deines und unseres Vermögen bei VIAC lebenslang kostenfrei verwaltet – du bezahlst bei den quartalsweisen Abrechnungen darauf keine Gebühren.
Bei 30 Jahren Anlagedauer holst du so bei einer langfristigen durchschnittlichen Aktienrendite von 6.7% und Zinseszins rund 250 CHF extra für dich raus.

3. corona and retirement provision: building knowledge of investments with ETFs

Are you familiar with ETFs?
Otherwise our
eBook to help you get fit in these times when investing in ETFs.
The forced break due to coronavirus may be good for you and your financial goals.

4. review pillar 3b investment strategy, check subsequent purchase

If equity investments are included in your investment plan and your risk appetite check whether you now have enough cash to gradually add to existing positions.
Always proceed in stages – don’t shoot all your powder at once.
For example, you can start with a third of the available investment amount (or a quarter, a fifth), depending on your personal assessment.
If the markets fall even further – and you have to reckon with this – you can buy more cheaply.  

5. start a Pillar 3b savings plan in broadly diversified investment funds

According to many years of empirical studies Banque Pictet for Swiss equities since 1926, buying or starting to invest has been a good strategy in the past during market crises. good strategy.
Nutze bei deiner Registration bei unserem Partner Clevercircles den Spar-Code
Du bekommst dann einen Performancebooster von 100 Franken gutgeschrieben, falls du später einmal investierst (wir übrigens auch).

6. use personal online financial coaching

Do you prefer a more personal touch?
In the
personal coaching you will receive the basics for your personal financial planning.
You can put forward your concerns and get answers to your questions.

Summary of coronavirus and pension provision

Even in the current situation, you can do a lot of things right.
Either you have already set up your (auto-pilot) program for your personal finances well.
Then it’s simply a case of not getting confused, sticking with it and following through.  

If you haven’t made your personal financial plan yet, now might be a good time to do so.
The 6-point plan can help you with this.  

Smolio pension check shows income in retirement with pensions 2020

Mach den ersten Schritt zur finanziellen Unabhängigkeit

In einer Minute siehst du deine Vermögensentwicklung und dein Einkommen während der Rente.

Rentenrechner starten

Last update: 17.09.2024 08:33

About author


Thomas verfügt über mehr als 30 Jahre Expertise als Privatanleger in fast allen Anlageklassen und zwei Vorsorgesystemen. Er gestaltet seit vielen Jahren einfache Kunden- und Serviceerlebnisse, bewegt Menschen und Organisationen und hat ein tiefes Verständnis für die Herausforderungen von Menschen bei Finanzthemen gewonnen. Thomas bringt mit seinem Background als Doktor in Wirtschaftswissenschaften Themen einfach und pragmatisch auf den Punkt.
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