Non-mandatory benefits – these are benefits provided by a pension fund that go beyond the statutory minimum occupational benefits. While the mandatory benefits include the mandatory BVG benefits, the extra-mandatory benefits are an extra.
But before you start celebrating, the pension fund doesn’t just do that. If it offers extra-mandatory benefits, it also charges contributions. Contributions for the extra-mandatory benefits are levied on the portion of your income that exceeds the BVG upper limit. Currently (as at 2025), this upper limit is CHF 90,720 per year. The conversion rate used to convert your extra-mandatory pension assets into a pension and how interest is paid on these assets is up to you.
If you would like to find out more, you can find out more from the Federal Social Insurance Office or read the article on “Vorsorgesprache”.
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Last update: 14.12.2024 18:09