When we think of a household budget, we think of saving and counting pennies. It’s not just about keeping your spending under control and limiting yourself. A household budget helps you to achieve your long-term goals. For example, a major purchase, a home of your own or a longer trip – whatever you enjoy.
With our template, you can easily create your own household budget. Adrian, one of the founders of Smolio, started early: “I’ve had my budget for over 20 years. It has helped me to always put something aside and build up a fortune over the 20 years. With compound interest, I’ve accumulated a nice sum. This has given me the financial freedom that is important to me so that I can implement my projects.”
Household budget as a guide
Nevertheless, saving and putting something aside for later sounds like less for now. And It’s no fun to restrict yourself. That’s not the point. With a household budget, you have a guideline for everyday life. Should I take something to eat for lunch, eat in the canteen or in a restaurant? It is important to have fun items in the budget. For example, because I take food with me every day, I can go out to eat in a nice restaurant once a week.
Household budget as a flavor enhancer
A household budget does not have to be strictly adhered to. But it should give you a sense of how much money you are spending. Here’s a comparison: Do you like wine? Can you describe the wine? Only when you know what a dry wine tastes like, for example, can you recognize it and even form an opinion as to whether you like it. It’s similar with the budget. Only when you know what you’re spending your money on can you decide whether it’s right for you. So: don’t use the budget as a restriction, but use it as a guide – so that you can use money according to your taste.
We are not talking about a 1000-point plan here either. I’m talking about a list of the most important categories. The ” it’s a big thing” and ensures that no unnecessary expenditure is made. It is not uncommon for us to notice unnecessary items during budget planning, e.g. old or duplicate insurance policies, which we could quite literally do without.
Household budget shows you the fun quota
When you have put together all the items you want or need to spend money on, you end up with “something” left over. The result that comes out, the “something”, is what we call the Fun quota. Das ist jener Teil deines Einkommens, den du für deine Ziele einsetzen kannst – und das soll Spass machen. Vielleicht ist es für dich die Reisequote oder die Hausquote. Gib deinen langfristigen finanziellen Zielen einen Namen und mach dir dadurch den Weg zur Zielerreichung einfacher. Und wenn du merkst, dass dein «etwas» dich nicht zufriedenstellt, geh erneut über die Posten. Wie kannst du dafür sorgen, dass mehr Geld reinkommt? Was musst du tun, um deine Ausgabeposten zu verkleinern, sodass dir Geld für das übrig bleibt, was dich motiviert und dir Spass macht?
Mach den ersten Schritt zur finanziellen Unabhängigkeit
In einer Minute siehst du deine Vermögensentwicklung und dein Einkommen während der Rente.
Last update: 08.12.2024 12:24