Plan, tackle, implement.
Determined like Hannibal and the A-Team.
Also sounds sensible when it comes to pensions.
And yet we put off making important financial decisions.
Find out why this is the case and how you can still make a plan here.
So that you can be as successful as Hannibal – with or without a cigar, it’s up to you.
For most of us, retirement is still “a long way off”.
We believe we still have enough time to take care of our pension.
Right now, other issues are more important…
A job change, a move, the family.
And there will certainly come a time when it will be easier to do something for later.
Right now, it seems, it’s all about the more important issues.
This or similar arguments are put forward by the “wait-and-see” or “disoriented” when it comes to financial provision.
According to the ZHAW pension study, just over a third of the Swiss population belong to these groups.
They take care of their pension planning too late or not at all.
The reasons for this are complex.
On the one hand, there is the Dealing with finances, which many find tedious. The topic is complex, you’re afraid of doing something wrong, so it’s better not to do it.
And the fact that many advice services are based on the fear of losing your livelihood or poverty in old age doesn’t really motivate you either.
It’s easier to push the annoying topic to one side for the time being and console yourself with the fact that you’re still young, fit and able to work, retirement is a long way off and, after all, we live in a country with high social standards.
There are plenty of excuses.
On the other hand, we generally find it difficult to deal with uncertain forecasts in the distant future. Our brain is not programmed to process uncertain consequences, which are far away, for our decisions. That’s in the nature of things: the future is far away and uncertain, which doesn’t make it easy to plan for.
After all, we don’t know what will happen on the financial market in who knows how many years.
What these or those forecasts and eventualities will mean for us at some point. What we are certain of, however, is what we have right now. We know how pleasant it is to enjoy a fine meal NOW, to wear nice clothes NOW, how great our new sound system sounds NOW… Time Discounting is the name given to this phenomenon: we value a benefit less the further into the future it lies.
We would therefore rather have something of it now than (possibly) in the future.
In other words, we value what we can have in the present more highly.
Named Present bias – the perfect excuse to stay in your patterns of behavior.
Because what you have, you have.
At this point, Hannibal would raise his eyebrow, puff on a cigar and mobilize the A-Team.
Because he knows that we don’t want to give up anything today, but we also don’t want to regret anything in the future.
No plan is no solution.
That’s why he would tackle prevention and that’s what we should all do.
It doesn’t have to be a tricky Hannibal campaign.
One approach is the topic of financial planning and pension provision in a positive and tangible way in our lives and to deal with them.
It helps to visualize the benefits that you can have in the future. How do you want to live later?
What lifestyle would you like to finance?
Would you like to make major purchases?
Are you looking to retire or perhaps finance a career break or a change?
Would you like to finance your 2,3,4 children’s education in the near future or renovate the house after they move out?
If you think specifically about what you want, it will no longer seem so far away and you will be more motivated to tackle the planning.
The The basis for sound pension planning is an honest look at your own financial situation. And not just on the individual items, but also on the topics that are important to you.
How much wealth do you already have and how much can you realistically save in the future?
What risks are you prepared to take and what can you do without?
With Smolio, you can optimize your financial situation in small steps: An overview of your financial situation allows you to take targeted measures and make a plan.
And if it works, you can sit back and relax – with or without a cigar.
Mach den ersten Schritt zur finanziellen Unabhängigkeit
In einer Minute siehst du deine Vermögensentwicklung und dein Einkommen während der Rente.
Last update: 17.09.2024 08:36