The maximum AHV pension in 2025 influences many other pension figures in 2025, for example in occupational benefits insurance and pillar 3a. These determine how high your pension will be and the maximum amount you can deduct from your taxes in pillar 3a. On January 1, 2025, there will be a higher maximum AHV pension. Discover the changes and what they mean.
Every year on January 1, there are changes to social insurance. The Federal Social Insurance Office (FSIO) provides information on this in various publications. We have read them for you and summarized the most important information. How will the Swiss pension amount change in 2025?
In the 1st pillar, the maximum AHV pension will increase in 2025
Every two years, the Federal Council examines whether the AHV and IV pension amount needs to be adjusted due to price and wage trends. The decision is an average value based on price and wage trends and is based on the recommendation of the Federal AHV/IV Commission. The Federal Council last adjusted pensions in 2023. On January 1, 2025, the maximum AHV pension will increase by CHF 840 per year. The Federal Council decided this earlier than before at its meeting on August 28, 2024.1
How much will the AHV pension increase in 2025?
The maximum AHV pension for singles in 2025 will increase by 2.9 % from January 1, 2025 and will now amount to CHF 2,520 per month. This is more than CHF 30,000 per year for the first time, or CHF 30,240 to be precise. In order to receive this maximum AHV pension in 2025, you must have earned an average of at least CHF 90,720 for 44 years and/or have been credited with childcare credits that put you above this average. Yes, that’s a lot and unfortunately not everyone receives enough salary to reach this level. But that’s the way it is 🙁
The maximum AHV spouse’s pension from January 1, 2025 will be CHF 3,780 (= CHF 2,520 * 1.5) or CHF 45,360 per year due to the cap.
What is the minimum retirement pension in 2025?
The minimum AHV pension will also increase from January 1, 2025, from CHF 1,225 to CHF 1,260 per month for singles, or CHF 15,120 per year.
Minimum AHV pension 2025 | Maximum AHV pension 2025 | maximum AHV spouse’s pension |
15,120 francs per year | 30,240 francs per year | 45,360 francs per year |
1,260 francs per month | 2,520 francs per month | 3,780 francs per month |
How are the AHV contributions of self-employed and non-employed persons developing?
These will also increase: the minimum contributions for self-employed and non-employed persons for AHV, IV and EO will rise from CHF 514 to CHF 530 per year as of January 1, 2025. The minimum contribution for voluntary OASI/DI will rise from CHF 980 to CHF 1,010. You can read more about this in the information sheet with the changes as of January 1, 2025.
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More money for children: child and education allowances increase for the first time
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Currently, seven cantons (ZH, GL, SO, BL, AG, TG and TI) pay the minimum rates for child allowances under the FamZG and six cantons (ZH, GL, SO, BL, AG and TI) pay the minimum rates for education allowances. In the cantons that have already increased family allowances since 2009 or pay out higher allowances than the federal minimum rates, other adjustments or no adjustments are to be expected.
In the 2nd pillar, the coordination deduction will increase in 2025
The maximum AHV pension in 2025 is the key figure for the key pension figures for 2025, to which other occupational pension figures are linked via fixed formulas and ratios. The expected BVG pensions and BVG key figures for 2025 will therefore also change.
BVG21 reform adopted - referendum on September 22, 2024
The BVG reform was passed by the Council of States and the National Council on March 17, 2023.
Since then, the trade unions have launched a referendum.
Switzerland will vote on this on September 22, 2024.
You can read more about this in our specialist article.
Addendum 23.10.2024: the reform was rejected by a clear majority.
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How much income is insured under occupational benefits insurance?
The occupational benefit scheme only insures the "insured salary". This is also known as the coordinated salary. You pay contributions on this, which have a pension-forming effect. The upper limit, i.e. the maximum BVG annual salary and the 2025 coordination deduction , determine how high the insured salary is.
The upper limit will rise to CHF 90,720 on January 1, 2025. The coordination deduction for 2025 is now CHF 26,460. To determine the amount of the insured salary, the pension fund deducts the coordination deduction from your gross annual salary. If your annual gross salary is between CHF 22,680 (BVG entry threshold 2025) and CHF 30,240 (maximum AHV individual pension), the pension fund will insure you with the BVG minimum salary of CHF 3,780.
Maximum BVG annual salary | BVG coordination deduction 2024 | max. insured BVG salary |
90,720 francs | ./. 26'460 Franken | = 64,260 francs |
BVG entry threshold 2025: From what salary do I have to pay contributions to the occupational benefit scheme?
This is regulated by the BVG entry threshold 2025, also known as the minimum annual salary. This will increase to CHF 22,680 per year on January 1, 2024. If you earn less than this, you will not be insured under the occupational pension scheme. You will then not receive a pension from the second pillar. That's why part-time employees or people with multiple jobs and low workloads need to make sure that they earn more than the BVG entry threshold for 2025. Let's hope that your salary will grow at least in line with inflation in 2025 and that you will exceed the entry threshold!
Coordination deduction 2025 | BVG entry threshold 2025 | insured BVG minimum wage 2025 |
26,460 francs | ./. 22'680 Franken | = 3'780 francs |
What is the BVG minimum interest rate in 2025?
The minimum interest rate for occupational benefits insurance (BVG minimum interest rate 2025) will remain at 1.25 % in the coming year 2025. The Federal Council was informed at its meeting on October 9, 2024 that a review of the rate is not necessary this year.3 It must review the level of the minimum interest rate at least every two years and will carry out the review again in 2025 for 2026. On September 2, 2024, the Federal Commission for Occupational Pension Plans also spoke out in favor of maintaining the rate.
The minimum interest rate determines the minimum percentage of interest that must be paid on your BVG mandatory pension assets.
How much will occupational pensions increase in 2025?
There is no mandatory inflation adjustment for pensions that exceed the BVG minimum. In accordance with Art. 36 para. 2 BVG, the Board of Trustees of your pension fund decides each year whether and how much your pension from the pension fund will increase.
The situation is different for mandatory survivors' and disability pensions: these must be regularly adjusted for inflation until the normal retirement age, for the first time after three years. The adjustment takes place on January 1 of the following year (i.e. in the fourth year); thereafter it is linked to the AHV inflation adjustment and generally takes place every two years.
As of January 1, 2025, survivors' and disability pensions from the mandatory second pillar will be adjusted for inflation.4 By how much depends on how long the pension has already been drawn:
- Pensions in payment since 2021 will be adjusted for the first time; increase of 5.8 %.
- Pensions adjusted for the first time on January 1, 2024: Increase of 0.8 %.
- Pensions adjusted for the last time on January 1, 2023: Increase of 2.5 %.
What is insured under the AHV and what is insured under the BVG?
You must pay AHV contributions on your entire income. In the AHV, the amount of your salary and number of years determine how high your pension will be. The situation is different with mandatory occupational benefits insurance. Here, only a small part of your income forms your future pension: your salary up to the upper limit minus the coordination deduction. You can imagine it like this: for the first CHF 26,460 of your salary (= coordination deduction 2025) you are only insured under the AHV. On the salary that exceeds this, you save for your future pension both in the AHV and in the pension fund. If your income exceeds the upper limit or is below the coordination deduction, you save extra-mandatory amounts in your occupational pension fund in accordance with the regulations of your pension fund.
The maximum amountfor pillar 3a will rise to CHF 7,258 in 2025
Further key pension figures for 2025 are derived from the AHV pension 2025. For example, the small and large maximum pillar 3a amounts. This time the pillar 3a deduction is increased. This is because it is linked to the maximum AHV individual pension via a factor. That's why you can deduct more in pillar 3a from 2025 than in 2024. The pillar 3a maximum amount 3a 2025 will also increase for self-employed persons. However, they must earn at least CHF 176,400 to be able to take advantage of the maximum of 20% or CHF 36,288. I wish it for you!
- The small maximum Pillar 3a 2025 amount for employees with a pension fund is CHF 7,258
- the large maximum Pillar 3a 2025 amount for self-employed persons or part-time employees without a pension fund is 20 % of net earned income, up to a maximum of CHF 36,288
Find the best pillar 3a
Unbelievable - most people pay too much for their pillar 3a and get too little return. Are you one of them? Find out which pillar 3a is best suited to you with just a few clicks in our free comparison.
You can use the small maximum Pillar 3a amount if you are insured with a pension fund through your employer. You can use the large maximum Pillar 3a amount if you do not belong to a pension fund, for example as a self-employed person or part-time worker. The large maximum amount is intended to prevent a pension gap from occurring because you will not receive a pension from the occupational pension fund.
Here's how: make the most of your options and avoid common mistakes in pillar 3a.
Summary of maximum AHV pension 2025
From next year, there will be some changes to the pension figures for 2025 because the maximum AHV pension will increase in 2025. As a result, the coordination deduction, entry threshold and upper limit in the mandatory occupational benefits insurance will change. And in pillar 3a, the maximum tax deduction will increase to CHF 7,258 for employees. If possible, therefore, make sure you take advantage of the opportunities in private pension provision with pillar 3a.
See all pension key figures at a glance free of charge
Download our overview of the most important pension key figures free of charge. We also explain briefly and concisely what they mean for you.
- The Federal Council (2024): AHV/IV minimum pension increases by 35 francs, press release 28.08.2024, Link ↩︎
- The Federal Council (2024): Minimum rates for family allowances to be increased, press release 28.08.2024, Link ↩︎
- The Federal Council (2024): Occupational pension provision: The minimum interest rate remains at 1.25 %, Link ↩︎
- The Federal Council (2024): Occupational pensions: adjustment of survivors' and disability pensions to price trends as of January 1, 2025, Link ↩︎
Further questions about the AHV pension
Will the AHV pension be increased in 2025?
Yes. OASI/DI pensions will increase by 2.9 percent on January 1, 2025. This amounts to CHF 70 per month for the maximum AHV pension and CHF 35 for the minimum AHV pension.
What is the maximum AHV pension in 2025?
In 2025, a maximum AHV pension of CHF 2,520 will be paid out per month. This corresponds to CHF 30,240 per year. The minimum AHV pension is CHF 1,260 per month. This corresponds to CHF 15,120 per year.
What is the maximum annual capped AHV pension in 2025?
In 2025, married couples/registered partnerships will be paid CHF 3,780 per month as the maximum capped AHV pension. This corresponds to CHF 45,360 per year. You are only entitled to the maximum pension if you have an average annual income of CHF 90,720 or more (as of 2025). If you have such an income and have no contribution gaps, you are entitled to the maximum full AHV pension. If and as long as the sum of the two individual pensions exceeds 150% of the maximum pension for single persons, these are reduced: et voila, that is the maximum capped pension.
What is the maximum AHV pension in 2024?
In 2024, CHF 2,450 per month will be paid out as the maximum AHV single pension. This corresponds to CHF 29,400 per year. The minimum AHV pension is CHF 1,225 per month. This corresponds to CHF 14,700 per year.
How many years do I have to work to receive a maximum AHV pension in 2025?
You will only receive the maximum AHV full pension if your account with the AHV compensation fund shows no gaps in contributions and these correspond on average to at least the maximum BVG annual salary (as at 2025: CHF 90,720). This is 44 years for men and 43 years for women, rising to 44 years under the AHV21 reform. If your contribution history is incomplete or the recorded income or eligible care or child-raising credits are lower, you will only receive a partial pension.
Last update: 26.10.2024 18:06