The minimum interest rate is the minimum interest rate that a pension fund must pay on the BVG retirement assets in a given year. Dieser Zins wird jährlich vom Bundesrat neu festgelegt. Dabei berücksichtigt er die Renditeentwicklung verschiedener Wertanlagen wie Bundesobligationen, Anleihen, Aktien und Liegenschaften.
The pension fund must credit you with at least the minimum interest rate on the BVG portion of your pension assets each year. It may also apply a higher interest rate. Even if it does not achieve a return on its investments equal to the minimum interest rate, it must credit the minimum interest rate to your pension assets. Only if the fund is in Shortfall As part of an overall restructuring concept and if other measures do not lead to the desired result, it may suspend the minimum interest rate for a maximum of 5 years. For retirement assets in the Non-mandatory scheme it is not the Federal Council but the pension fund itself that determines the annual interest rate.
Year | BVG minimum interest rate |
1985-2002 | 4,00 % |
2003 | 3,25 % |
2004 | 2,25 % |
2005-2007 | 2,50 % |
2008 | 2,75 % |
2009-2011 | 2,00 % |
2012-2013 | 1,50 % |
2014-2015 | 1,75 % |
2016 | 1,25 % |
2017-2023 | 1,00 % |
2024 | 1.25 % |
2025 | 1.25 % (expected) |
Mach den ersten Schritt zur finanziellen Unabhängigkeit
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Last update: 01.12.2024 15:14