Retirement and pension planning

Recalculated. Those who retire earlier retire longer

Smolio wissen nachgerechnet frueher in pension laenger in rente fruehpensionierung web
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Sounds logical so far.
Have you ever thought about not working until your mid-60s?
Some people dream of retiring at 50.
Others reckon with the statutory retirement age, but would still like to have the choice.
Find out how early retirement works in the Swiss pension system and which considerations will make your financial planning smarter in the latest knowledge article.

Michael is 48 years old and can’t believe that he will soon reach “the middle of his life”. He likes the idea of turning 100 years old. Michael is fit, he spends a lot of time on his feet in his job as an engineer and enjoys hiking in the mountains with his partner and brothers-in-law in his free time.
His wife is a carer in a social care facility.
As she works there in shifts, she works a 60% workload to have more free weekends.
Their two daughters are at university and have since moved out.
Michael has managed their move almost single-handedly, which he is very proud of.
When the children moved out, he was worried that he would get a bit bored, but there is always something to do.

Michael likes his life, his work and his colleagues.
It could actually stay exactly the same and yet he feels more and more like being able to organize his time more freely and having to do less.
Michael has not yet seriously considered when he wants to retire.
Of course, everyone dreams of complete freedom with financial security and physical health. But what is actually realistic?

To the facts

Pillar 1

You can theoretically stop working as early as you want.
However, you can only draw your AHV pension 1 or 2 whole years before the statutory retirement age.
Aktuell (2017) heisst das, dass Frauen frühestens mit 62, Männer mit 63 die Altersrente der 1. Säule beziehen können.
Diese wird dann pro Jahr, das du früher in Pension gehst, lebenslang um 6,8% gekürzt.
Bei zwei Jahren sind es somit 13,6% weniger im Vergleich zum Rentenantritt im ordentlichen Rentenalter.
Du bekommst also weniger monatliche Rente, dafür über mehr Jahre – rein rechnerisch eben die ein oder zwei Jahre.
Wenn du dir überlegst, dass du durch den früheren Ruhestand an Lebensqualität und vielleicht sogar Lebensalter gewinnst, kann sich das für dich lohnen.
Auch finanziell ?
Ob sich ein früherer Rentenbezug mit entsprechendem Abschlag sich finanziell rechnet, hängt von deiner Lebenserwartung ab.
In Modellrechnungen liegt die kritische Schwelle je nach Annahme bei etwa 77 Jahren.
Wenn Du damit rechnest länger zu leben, solltest Du aus finanzieller Sicht nicht vorbeziehen.  

Pillar 2

With most pension funds, you can already retire at the age of 58. withdraw your retirement assets .
The amount of the pension fund pension depends on the contributions you have made.
In other words, how much you have paid in with interest.
Not on how many years you have paid in.
You can decide whether you want to withdraw your assets in retirement as a lump sum or converted into a lifelong pension or a mixture of the two.
If you are as fit as Michael and plan to live to be 100, the pension is worthwhile.
Please note that as a rule of thumb, every year you miss until retirement will result in a reduction of 7-8 percent of your pension fund assets or pension fund pension.
You may be able to cushion this by making a purchase.
If you are worried that you won’t have any of the money for much longer, it may be worth taking a lump-sum withdrawal.
Whether the earlier pension is also worthwhile depends on the same considerations as with the 1st pillar.
How long do you think you will have some of it?

3rd pillar

In addition, many with a 3rd pillar an additional pension cushion.
By law, this credit can only be withdrawn
a maximum of 5 years before the normal retirement age This is currently (October 2017) possible for women at 59 and for men at 60. You must withdraw a 3rd pillar account in full at once.
A staggered withdrawal is more tax-efficient, so it is worth setting up several 3a accounts that you can withdraw in different years.
It is important to consider whether you will have enough funds for the rest of your life, depending on how long you expect to live.

Three pillars, three different regulations.
In summary, you can draw from the various sources between the ages of 58 and 63, or 62 for women.
You can find out more about the 3 pillars here.

Michael does the pension check with his partner for a quick overview and looks at a few options. Michael makes adjustments via the Cockpit. As the house is as good as paid off and the children will soon be supporting themselves, their income requirements will fall.

Situation rente mit partner und 3a 940w

Michael remains uncompromising when it comes to life expectancy: “The money has to last until we’re 100!”

Smolio wissen frühpensionierung lebenserwartung anpassen

Michael is very pleased with his pension plan, especially because he can see how it works out. Having the certainty reassures him – “towards midlife”.

Smolio pension check shows income in retirement with pensions 2020

Mach den ersten Schritt zur finanziellen Unabhängigkeit

In einer Minute siehst du deine Vermögensentwicklung und dein Einkommen während der Rente.

Rentenrechner starten

Last update: 17.09.2024 08:36

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