Financial lexicon

Retirement assets

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The retirement assets are your accumulated capital in the “pension fund account” of your pension fund. Depending on the pension fund, this may also be called AGH, savings assets, pension assets, termination benefits or similar.

It is made up of four components. Firstly, your monthly retirement credits (employer and employee contributions), secondly the interest earned, thirdly the vested benefits contributed and fourthly voluntary buy-ins. The amount of your retirement assets therefore depends on how much you and your employer(s) pay in in total and how much your pension fund earns as a return. Your pension fund statement will tell you how much your retirement assets have increased in the last year. This is because new retirement credits and interest on your existing capital are added every year. This is why your pension entitlement increases every year. This is because you can calculate your future pension from your retirement assets using the conversion rate: (conversion rate x retirement assets = retirement pension).

The pension fund regulates how you can withdraw your retirement assets later in life. You can either withdraw it all at once as a lump sum, or convert it into a lifelong pension or a mixture of the two. In any case, the law allows you to withdraw at least ¼ as a lump sum.

If you would like to know more, you can find out about what is probably your largest financial asset.

Smolio pension check shows income in retirement with pensions 2020

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Last update: 14.12.2024 18:02

About author


Thomas verfügt über mehr als 30 Jahre Expertise als Privatanleger in fast allen Anlageklassen und zwei Vorsorgesystemen. Er gestaltet seit vielen Jahren einfache Kunden- und Serviceerlebnisse, bewegt Menschen und Organisationen und hat ein tiefes Verständnis für die Herausforderungen von Menschen bei Finanzthemen gewonnen. Thomas bringt mit seinem Background als Doktor in Wirtschaftswissenschaften Themen einfach und pragmatisch auf den Punkt.
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