Retirement credits are all the savings contributions that you and your employer(s) have paid into your occupational benefit scheme. So, credit is a nice way of describing the monthly compulsory contribution that you pay into your 2nd pillar. And the amount of the retirement credits increases with your age.
This is because it is calculated as a percentage of your insured salary. After all, by law the employer must pay at least half (50 %) of the contribution and deduct the other half from your salary. The employer then transfers both to the pension fund.
Age | Credit rate in % of the insured salary |
25-34 | 7 % |
35-44 | 10 % |
45-54 | 15 % |
from 55 | 18 % |
Let’s take a look at the effect of age-dependent credits using an example calculation for 25-year-old Renzo. If Renzo remains in employment until normal retirement age, he will achieve retirement assets of 500 % of the insured salary without taking compound interest into account. This is because the retirement assets are made up of 10 years * 7 % retirement credits + 10 years * 10 % + 10 years * 15 % + 10 years * 18 % retirement credits. So you can remember: the last 10 years account for around ⅓ of your retirement credits. This is why early retirement is a comparatively “expensive thing”, as your employer pays at least half of it.
If you would like to know more, you can find out about the planned reforms to the pension system, in which an adjustment of the retirement credits is under discussion, or read the article on the pension fund statement.

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Last update: 01.12.2024 15:13