The BVG is the Federal Law on Occupational Old Age, Survivors’ and Disability Benefit Plans. It regulates occupational pension provision (the so-called “2nd pillar”) in the Swiss pension system.
The 2nd pillar is intended as a supplement to the 1st pillar and provides supplementary benefits in old age and in the event of disability or death. The pension from the second pillar, together with the AHV pension, should allow you to continue your accustomed standard of living in retirement in an appropriate manner. so that you can be sure of receiving an adequate pension in retirement.
If you leave Switzerland, become self-employed or buy a home, you can also have the capital you have saved up to that point paid out early. If you do not work for a while or stop working before the normal retirement age, your capital will be transferred to a vested benefits account.
The Federal Social Insurance Office has compiled the most important principles of the BVG. The following laws and ordinances in particular fall within the scope of the BVG:
- The most important BVG ordinance is BVV 2
- Ordinance on the Promotion of Home Ownership(WEFV)
- Vested Benefits Act (FZG) and Vested Benefits Ordinance(FZV)
- Ordinance on the tax deductibility of 3a savings(BVV 3)
Last update: 17.09.2024 08:37