Understanding the Swiss pension system

Social insurance. This will change in 2018 in the 1st, 2. and 3rd pillar

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Your income in retirement depends largely on the framework conditions of our social security system and your own pension provision.
What will change in 2018?
First things first: there are no significant changes to Swiss social insurance in 2018.
The maximum amount for 2018 for payments into pillar 3a for employees will remain at CHF 6,768.
Read on and keep an eye on things.

Pillar 1

The Federal Council reviews at least every two years whether an adjustment to AHV/DI pensions is necessary. OASI and DI pensions will remain unchanged in 2018. Survivors’ and disability pensions under the mandatory occupational benefit scheme will also remain unchanged in 2018. As before, the minimum AHV pension is CHF 1,175 per month and the maximum pension for a full contribution period is CHF 2,350 per month.
The pensions will not be adjusted because both the price and wage index have developed only weakly.
The AHV/IV pensions were last increased on January 1, 2015.

There is one small change: you will soon have more money left over. This is because the additional financing of disability insurance via value-added tax, which was decided in September 2009, will expire on December 31, 2017.
As the 2020 pension reform was rejected in September 2017, the increase will expire as planned.
VAT is therefore being reduced and the following VAT rates have applied since January 1, 2018: The standard rate is 7.7 percent, the special rate (for accommodation) is 3.7 percent and the reduced rate (for everyday goods) is 2.5 percent

Pillar 2

The minimum interest rate for mandatory occupational pension assets will remain unchanged at 1% in 2018.
The yield on Confederation bonds and the performance of shares, bonds and real estate are decisive for the level of the minimum interest rate. The performance of equities and real estate is pleasing, which is why a reduction in the minimum interest rate is not appropriate.
On the other hand, the continuing very low interest rates argued against an increase.
In view of the continued stable conditions, there was therefore no need to adjust the minimum interest rate.
The Federal Council intends to review the principles that are relevant for determining the minimum interest rate by summer 2018.

In the non-mandatory area, your pension fund is free to set the interest rate on your pension assets.

Pillar 3a

The benefits and contribution rates relating to the minimum AHV pension are determined annually by the Federal Social Insurance Office.
This also includes the maximum amount that can be paid into the 3rd pillar tax-free.
As the AHV minimum pension has not changed, the maximum amount for 2018 also remains unchanged from 2017.

Maximum amount pillar 3a 2018 2017, 2016, 2015
fFor employees with a pension fund CHF 6’768 CHF 6’768
for self-employed persons without a pension fund 20 percent of net earned income, up to a maximum of CHF 33,840 20 percent of net earned income, up to a maximum of CHF 33,840

Self-employed persons without a pension fund have a higher maximum amount so that they can reduce their pension gap on their own.
The maximum amounts must be credited to the pension account by December 31 of the year.
Smart investors pay this in at the beginning of the year, as this allows you to benefit from the significantly higher interest rate on the 3a account compared to a savings book or current account.
You can see how big this effect is in this example.

Last update: 17.09.2024 08:36

About author


Thomas verfügt über mehr als 30 Jahre Expertise als Privatanleger in fast allen Anlageklassen und zwei Vorsorgesystemen. Er gestaltet seit vielen Jahren einfache Kunden- und Serviceerlebnisse, bewegt Menschen und Organisationen und hat ein tiefes Verständnis für die Herausforderungen von Menschen bei Finanzthemen gewonnen. Thomas bringt mit seinem Background als Doktor in Wirtschaftswissenschaften Themen einfach und pragmatisch auf den Punkt.
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