The 2023 key pension figures for AHV, occupational pension provision and pillar 3a determine how high your pension will be from 1st and 2nd pillar fail.
As of
January 1, 2023 there will be changes to the pension key figures for 2023.
Find out how these will affect your future pension amount and how much more you can deduct from pillar 3a from 2023.
You are already familiar with the three-pillar pension system in Switzerland and know how important pillar 3a is for you. But are you also familiar with pillar 3b and the differences to pillar 3a? Read on and find out what it means to invest in pillar 3b.
Relaxing, traveling, chilling out.
3 out of 4 Swiss employees dream of taking time out.
We take a look at the financial consequences of a sabbatical for your pension provision.
Your pension income depends on the regulations in the Swiss pension system and your own pension provision. What will change in the Swiss pension system in 2019? And how will this affect your future pension? There will be some changes from January 2019. Read on and keep an eye on things.
If you want to invest in passive pillar 3a products, you are not necessarily spoiled for choice. Many banks do not offer passive pension ETFs, preferring to sell their own, often more expensive active funds. We have therefore done some research and put together a list of the most attractive…
We come across these terms again and again: active funds, passive funds, ETFs. But the fund providers don’t always say exactly what they mean. There are often big differences in the fees. We take a look at where these come from and go along with the passive funds.
Your income in retirement depends largely on the framework conditions of our social security system and your own pension provision. What will change in 2018? First things first: there are no significant changes to Swiss social insurance in 2018. The maximum amount for 2018 for payments into pillar 3a for…
When saving in pillar 3a, you also have the option of investing your money in funds in addition to the traditional savings account. For some time now, these have also been available with a higher equity component. Let’s take a look at how you can make even more of your…
Low interest rates, rising life expectancy, pension reform. In Switzerland, we rely on three pillars for our pension provision. But these are currently more or less faltering. To what extent can we rely on receiving enough money in old age? Which pillar can we rely on?
Sounds logical so far. Have you ever thought about not working until your mid-60s? Some people dream of retiring at 50. Others reckon with the statutory retirement age, but would still like to have the choice. Find out how early retirement works in the Swiss pension system and which considerations…