Retirement and pension planningUnderstanding the Swiss pension system

Pension figures 2023: higher AHV pensions and more pillar 3a deductions!

The 2023 key pension figures for AHV, occupational pension provision and pillar 3a determine how high your pension will be from 1st and 2nd pillar fail. As of January 1, 2023 there will be changes to the pension key figures for 2023. Find out how these will affect your future pension amount and how much more you can deduct from pillar 3a from 2023.
Financial lexicon

Missing years

What are missing years? Missing years are years in the AHV contribution period in which your account has gaps in contributions. This is because how much AHV pension you will receive in the future depends on how many contributions you have paid and for how long. Shortfall years are therefore…
Financial lexicon


AHV stands for “old-age and survivors’ insurance”. It is the cornerstone of pension provision in Switzerland and is therefore also known as the 1st pillar.