A purchase into the pension fund is subject to a blocking period for your lump-sum withdrawal. Find out how you can make effective use of the three-year rule and benefit from special tax advantages in Zurich.
You save diligently in 3a, but who benefits from your pillar 3a in the event of your death?
The answer might surprise you.
Find out how you can ensure that your loved ones benefit.
Optimize your finances and have your pension under control: We show you how you can optimize and boost your pension provision and finances with life hacks.
How to make the next year a success!
We all love simplicity.
And tick it and done!
To make sure you don’t miss anything throughout the year, we’ve put together a simple and clear overview of the most important financial dates for 2024 and do’s for your money.
Because you can make more of your money quickly and at the right time with just a few hacks.
“Wow, great piece! That must have cost you a fortune?” Well, just because something costs a lot doesn’t mean it’s a fortune. It’s not just the post-corona shopping queues at luxury stores in Zurich that show that many people don’t know the difference between assets and liabilities. We show the…
The corona crash has shaken up the financial markets worldwide. Valuation levels have changed dramatically. What was in demand yesterday is out today, supposedly safe asset classes have fallen in unison with the prices of the stock markets. What does this mean for you, your financial independence, your financial decisions…
Saving for old age. Sure, what you can do today, I’m happy to put off until tomorrow. Better to live now, later is still possible. Right? Get to know the five key factors that determine how much money you’ll get later. And no matter what type of saver you are,…
Various reforms to the Swiss pension system are underway. WTF does STAF mean? And what is in store for me with the planned AHV21 and BVG reform? How much longer will I have to work and what will happen to my pension? We provide the facts and explain what the…
You are already familiar with the three-pillar pension system in Switzerland and know how important pillar 3a is for you. But are you also familiar with pillar 3b and the differences to pillar 3a? Read on and find out what it means to invest in pillar 3b.
Is now the right time to invest? Or should I wait until the stock markets have fallen again? And anyway, isn’t it better to wait until the next recession is over? In this article, we look at how you can invest a large one-off amount in the stock market.
You have a large amount of money in your account and are asking yourself: “How can I make more out of it, how can I invest the money safely?” Or have you received a large amount, for example as a bonus payment, 13th salary or inheritance? Discover how you can…
The Federal Statistical Office regularly surveys the household income of Swiss citizens. At the end of 2018, SRF reported on the latest figures: On average, we have a household income of around CHF 10,000 and a savings amount of around CHF 1,500. In other words, a savings rate of 15…
50% of Swiss between the ages of 18 and 30 do not have a 3rd pillar. That is twice as many as all adults. The reasons for this are their young age and lack of know-how. But when is the right time to take care of your pension provision? And…
We could actually do more with our money, we should have our pensions under control and we should get an overview. Why don’t we do this if we know it? That’s why we usually have an implementation problem and not a knowledge problem. It’s not enough to know something. Psychological…
Sandra is irritated. Yesterday everyone was saying that Facebook was deadly safe and today she hears and reads that the share price has plummeted by over 20 %. And she’s supposed to invest in shares? Pure casino! We take Sandra by the hand and show her which tips she can…
Look towards the sun and dream. Who doesn’t like to do that in summer? But then comes the reality check and with it a quick end for many dreams. Because dreams rarely come alone, they involve effort and the necessary finances. With the right approach, your dreams won’t fail because…
We come across these terms again and again: active funds, passive funds, ETFs. But the fund providers don’t always say exactly what they mean. There are often big differences in the fees. We take a look at where these come from and go along with the passive funds.
The stock market can be somewhat confusing for beginners. Over the last few decades, we and many investors have gained insights that provide guidance and simplify investing in shares. We are guided by this.
Reto is 34 years old and is looking forward to spring – he can finally get out on his mountain bike more often. His thoughts are of sunshine, mountains and nature. Understandable! And yet Reto should pay in his pillar 3a at the beginning of the year. We show you…
If you want to invest your money today, you are often overwhelmed by a multitude of options. Funds here, structured products there. Yet only a few asset classes form the basis for all possible combinations. Knowing their characteristics and properties is essential when making investment decisions.
Low interest rates, rising life expectancy, pension reform. In Switzerland, we rely on three pillars for our pension provision. But these are currently more or less faltering. To what extent can we rely on receiving enough money in old age? Which pillar can we rely on?
After an intensive development period, we are delighted to have completed the pension check. We hope you are pleased that you now have a clearer picture of your pension provision. Because the referendum campaign on the 2020 pension reform is heating up. According to a survey by Tamedia, the reform…
According to the Federal Statistical Office, households in Switzerland have a monthly savings potential of CHF 1,500. Similarly, in a study, a quarter of individuals surveyed stated that they had between 500 and 1,500 francs a month left over. Enough to make something of it. But how? The basic rule…
Plan, tackle, implement. Determined like Hannibal and the A-Team. Also sounds sensible when it comes to pensions. And yet we put off making important financial decisions. Find out why this is the case and how you can still make a plan here. So that you can be as successful as…