The planned pension tax on pillar 3a and pension fund withdrawals is causing a stir in Switzerland. With this tax increase as part of the relief package, the federal government wants to abolish tax advantages in pension provision. Read the article to find out what this could mean for your pension provision and what you need to know about it.
How do I enter pillar 3a in my tax return?
After all, this saves you money.
Discover the answers to all your questions about pillar 3a in your tax return and securities register in the guide.
With the pillar 3a tax deduction, you can save taxes with pillar 3a.
This is not only worthwhile because you have made provisions for later.
But also because you pay less tax today.
The pillar 3a tax deduction can make all the difference, especially when tax progression kicks in.
Discover our 7 best tax tips for pillar 3a.