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Tax return deadline extension 2024 per canton

Steuererklärung fristverlängerung 2023
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Oops, tax alert! In most cantons, you have to submit your private tax return by the end of March. And maybe you want to apply for an extension of the 2024 deadline for your tax return in Switzerland? Or know what happens if you miss the deadline? Or what you need to do to submit your tax return in Switzerland on time? Discover all the important information you need to implement the 2024 deadline extension for your private tax return 🔍

When is the regular deadline for tax returns in Switzerland?

In Switzerland, the regular deadline for filing tax returns for private individuals is between March 15 and mid-April (depending on the canton). Each canton regulates until when you can submit your 2024 tax return extension. Some municipalities have their own deadlines and regulations.

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You must submit your tax return by the regular deadline. If your deadline extension has been approved, you must submit it by the end of the deadline extension. Don’t forget to enter the tax deductions for 3a – we show you how to do this in this specialist article.

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How can I apply for an extension of the 2024 deadline for my tax return in Switzerland?

If you need more time for your tax return, you can apply for an extension of the deadline. You must apply for the extension in good time, i.e. BEFORE the regular submission deadline. Each canton has its own deadlines. In most cantons, you can usually extend the deadline on the tax office’s website. To do this, log in, complete the application for an extension and enter the desired deadline. You will find the exact details for your application on the tax return letter sent to you by the tax authorities.

Tax return deadline extension 2024

Until when can I extend my tax return?

As a private individual, you may be granted a deadline extension until the end of August, the end of September, the end of October, the end of November or the end of December, depending on the canton. As a rule, “short” deadline extensions are free of charge. A fee is often charged for deadline extensions beyond September 30.

Our tip: grace period for the last deadline

Some tax authorities are accommodating and will accept you exceeding the final deadline if you provide a good reason. Such extraordinary reasons could be illness or a death in the family. However, general reasons such as “heavy workload” or “missing documents” are not enough 😉. A tax advisor can help you with the correct wording.

What is the final deadline / latest submission date for tax returns in my canton?

The maximum deadline extension for private individuals varies from canton to canton. Please note that you must always submit your application / request for an extension before the regular deadline expires. You can filter, sort and scroll the table below to discover more details. The link will take you directly to the cantonal tax office. Found an incorrect link? Then please write to me using the comment function!

How much does it cost to extend the deadline for tax returns in Switzerland?

In many cantons, the 2024 tax return deadline extension is free for the first deadline extension. "Longer" deadlines often cost a fee. In the canton of Bern, for example, you can extend online until July 15 free of charge, until September 15 for CHF 20 and until November 15 for CHF 40. If you do this by e-mail, letter, at the counter or by telephone, you will be charged an additional CHF 20 in each case.

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If you delay submitting your tax return or if a deadline expires unused, you will receive a reminder. The amount of the reminder fee (e.g. 40 francs in Basel) varies depending on the canton. If you do not submit your tax return even after a second reminder, the tax will be assessed ex officio.

Tax return deadline extension 2024

Summary of tax return deadline extension 2024

If you want to apply for an extension of the 2024 deadline for your private tax return in Switzerland, the maximum extension depends on your canton of residence. Many cantons allow you to postpone the deadline for submitting your tax return until the fourth quarter. Some cantons charge fees for this.

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We have taken great care in compiling the content of this article. Nevertheless, we cannot rule out errors and cannot guarantee that the content is correct, up-to-date or complete. This article does not replace tax advice. We do not offer investment or tax advice and recommend that tax issues are always clarified with a tax expert and/or the relevant cantonal tax authorities. Any liability is rejected.

Last update: 25.01.2025 14:56

About author


Thomas verfügt über mehr als 30 Jahre Expertise als Privatanleger in fast allen Anlageklassen und zwei Vorsorgesystemen. Er gestaltet seit vielen Jahren einfache Kunden- und Serviceerlebnisse, bewegt Menschen und Organisationen und hat ein tiefes Verständnis für die Herausforderungen von Menschen bei Finanzthemen gewonnen. Thomas bringt mit seinem Background als Doktor in Wirtschaftswissenschaften Themen einfach und pragmatisch auf den Punkt.
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