Alternative investmentsInvest in pillar 3aVIAC 3a

VIAC Bitcoin 2024: crypto precautions?

Viac säule 3a bitcoin
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With VIAC Bitcoin, you can now invest 100% of your pillar 3a in Bitcoin. An ETF on Bitcoin was approved for the first time in the USA at the beginning of 2024. Many people dream of quick money with Bitcoin. What is possible and do you need VIAC Bitcoin in your pillar 3a pension?

How much does VIAC Bitcoin Pillar 3a invest in cryptocurrencies?

VIAC does not invest your pillar 3a money in cryptocurrencies unless you decide to do so. VIAC Bitcoin was announced with a pop-up in the app in mid-March 2024: You can now also invest in a Bitcoin ETF. This is possible with your own investment strategy.

You can invest up to 5% of your personal pension assets in the iShares Bitcoin Trust ETF. This makes cryptos an addition to the investment mix at VIAC. In this respect, the inclusion of the ETF is merely an expansion of the investment universe for experienced investors. You can now select another product in your own strategies.

Viac pillar 3a bitcoin

What is the iShares Bitcoin Trust ETF?

On January 10, 2024, after years of refusal, the US Securities and Exchange Commission finally approved the trading of physically backed Bitcoin ETFs in the US. These Bitcoin ETFs track the spot price of the cryptocurrency. This means that institutional investors can now also invest in Bitcoin via exchange-traded products. Since then, around a dozen providers have launched Bitcoin Spot ETFs in the USA.

The iShares Bitcoin Trust ETF from BlackRock is one of them. As the name suggests, the iShares Bitcoin Trust ETF tracks the spot price of Bitcoin and physically deposits Bitcoins in the Coinbase wallet. Coinbase is a US public limited company founded in 2012 that operates a trading platform for cryptocurrencies.

The aim of the Bitcoin Trust ETF (ticker symbol IBIT) is to track the price performance of Bitcoin 1:1. To this end, the ETF invests 100% in this cryptocurrency. The base currency of the ETF is US dollars and the product does not provide for any distributions. The ETF was launched on January 5, 2024 and first traded on NASDAQ on January 11, 2024. The product is authorized in the USA and not in Europe. Incidentally, this is also the reason why these products may not be used in vested benefits foundations. Because according to Art. 19a para. 3 let. b Only funds that have a distribution license in Switzerland are permitted.

Further information on the iShares Bitcoin Trust ETF can be found on the BlackRock product website.

Important note

Note that the iShares Bitcoin Trust ETF invests exclusively in one product – Bitcoin. It therefore offers no diversification and therefore no risk spreading. You are betting all your money on one horse. It is an investment product approved in the USA for professional investors, which is also made available to private investors as part of the pension plan. There will be no Bitcoin ETFs in Europe because the UCITS Directive on investor protection requires a minimum level of diversification for the authorization of ETFs. By investing in the Bitcoin Trust ETF, you are investing in a highly volatile asset.

What does VIAC Bitcoin cost?

Not much. According to the fact sheet, the iShares Bitcoin Trust ETF charges a TER of 0.25 %, which VIAC Bitcoin equally discloses as product costs. This compares favorably with other Bitcoin ETFs domiciled in Europe. Compared to most other investments in VIAC’s investment spectrum, the TER is in the midfield.

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Do I have to open a new portfolio for VIAC Bitcoin in pillar 3a?

No, investing cryptocurrencies with VIAC does not require a new portfolio. You can reallocate your existing pillar 3a portfolio to a new, individual strategy.

Viac pillar 3a bitcoin

Summary VIAC Bitcoin

In our view, your retirement assets should generate dividend income in line with inflation, offer security of capital and promise reasonable growth. Cryptocurrencies and bitcoins are a very volatile asset and, in the case of bitcoin, a big bet on the future with no intrinsic value, which in our view you should not take with money you are saving and need for retirement.

From discussions with asset managers, we know that less than 5% of investors make use of this option to integrate cryptocurrencies into their portfolio and that the total value accounts for less than 0.2% of assets. We therefore classify VIAC’s innovation of enabling cryptocurrency in the form of Bitcoin more as a marketing campaign that follows the zeitgeist and media interest and is intended to make the product more attractive, but is not really relevant for your long-term retirement provision.

Many people think of VIAC when they think of low-cost pillar 3a and forget that finpension , with its lower flat fee of 0.39 %, is even cheaper for many and also offers the Bitcoin Trust.

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Last update: 26.10.2024 21:02

About author


Thomas verfügt über mehr als 30 Jahre Expertise als Privatanleger in fast allen Anlageklassen und zwei Vorsorgesystemen. Er gestaltet seit vielen Jahren einfache Kunden- und Serviceerlebnisse, bewegt Menschen und Organisationen und hat ein tiefes Verständnis für die Herausforderungen von Menschen bei Finanzthemen gewonnen. Thomas bringt mit seinem Background als Doktor in Wirtschaftswissenschaften Themen einfach und pragmatisch auf den Punkt.
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