Invest in pillar 3a

Digital pension apps Pando 3a, Sparbatze and Freya – bye!

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Digital pension apps have become increasingly important in recent years. This is because pillar 3a is a large market and an important component of retirement provision in Switzerland. The apps promise simple and flexible handling of your pension provision. However, not all digital pillar 3a apps have been able to assert themselves on the market. In this article, we take a look at three such digital pension apps: Pando 3a, Sparbatze 3a and Freya 3a.

Emergence of digital pension apps for pillar 3a in Switzerland

Digitization has not stopped at pillar 3a either. Various providers have launched digital pension apps on the market in recent years. These allow users to manage their pension provision conveniently from their smartphone. Providers are fully committed to technology and can thus not only acquire customers much more efficiently (= more cost-effectively) with lean processes, but also digitize the entire administration. This is why the costs for these digital providers are substantially lower than for conventional offerings.

Nevertheless, your 3a assets are safe there. This is because the providers are regulated and your assets are safe with a foundation, not with the digital provider. You can find out more about the security of pillar 3a in this specialist article.

Banks and insurance companies are also trying to offer their existing customers digital 3a solutions or attract new, young customers with cool apps. However, some of these services have had difficulties establishing themselves and have drawn the appropriate conclusions.

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Pando 3a from Swiss Life

Pando 3a was one such solution. It was launched by insurer Swiss Life in January 2022 and promised simple handling of personal pension provision. However, Swiss Life stopped advertising it in May 2023 and announced in November 2023 that the app would be deactivated at the end of May 2024. Payments into the account are possible until December 29, 2023.

Pando 3a wanted to score points with sustainability, climate and green issues. Investing should also be ecologically profitable. Pando offered customers three eco-impact funds actively managed by Swiss Life: “Climate”, “Environment & Biodiversity” and “Green Buildings & Infrastructure”. The app enabled customers to reflect the UN’s sustainability goals in their investment strategy. In terms of functionality, the app is otherwise no different from existing solutions.

Digital pension apps pando 3a

The exact reasons for the end of Pando 3a are not known. Swiss Life communicates “Unfortunately, Pando has not developed as we had hoped” and recommends that existing users transfer their assets to other 3a providers or to Swiss Life 3a Start.

However, with flat fees of 0.84% on pension assets and additional fund costs (TER) of 0.15%, Pando 3a is around twice as expensive as the price breakers and market leaders frankly, finpension and VIAC. Cost awareness of pension provision has increased significantly, particularly among the young target group that the selected themes are intended to appeal to. Not least due to the low-cost offers of the market leaders. This is presumably why user numbers have fallen far short of expectations, as VIAC & Co. are recording high growth rates. Apparently, the sustainability surcharge was simply too high for customers. Those familiar with the project say that Swiss Life came to the conclusion that Pando 3a would not have paid off at lower fees.

Sparbatze 3a

Another digital 3a solution that is no longer available is Sparbatze 3a. The start-up was founded in 2018 with high hopes as a digital asset manager offering private pension savings in pillar 3a and asset management. The market launch took place in September 2020. Just under 1.5 years later, the start-up ceased operations at the end of January 2022. Customers were asked to transfer their pension assets held at Zuger Kantonalbank to Zuger KB or other providers.

According to CEO Ivan Sosio, it was not possible to secure long-term financing with the partners Vaudoise Versicherung and Zuger Kantonalbank. Both held a minority stake in Sparbatze. As with Panda, the fees (0.39 % basic fee and 0.38 to 0.50 % product costs, up to 0.89 % in total) were around twice as high as those of the price leaders.

Digital pension apps sparbatze 3a

Similar to Pando 3a and Freya 3a, customers could invest their money in various topics such as digitalization, health, greentech, but also green bonds or social development goals. Sparbatze also tried to differentiate itself with additional services such as free tax returns.

Freya 3a

The Freya 3a app is also no longer available. The discontinuation of Freya 3a was announced by the app operators at the end of 2021. The exact reasons for the end of the app have not been made public. Although the exact reasons for the end of these apps are not known, it can be assumed that, like Sparbatze, they had difficulties establishing themselves on the market. Various sources speak of a few hundred customers each for Freya and Sparbatze.

Like Sparbatze and Pando, Freya is aimed at customers for whom the issue of sustainability in investments is important. The Freya fees are made up of a basic fee of 0.55% for custody account management and 0.3% product costs for the fund. 2 % of the basic fee goes to Freya Community Projects, which are intended to support charitable projects. Charitable projects or not, the total fees at Freya 3a of around 0.85% per year were almost twice as high as at finpension.

Digital pension apps freya 3a

Summary: Digital pension apps Pando 3a, Sparbatze 3a and Freya 3a

In this article, we have taken a look at three digital 3a solutions that are no longer available: Pando 3a, Sparbatze 3a and Freya 3a. All three providers are likely to be victims of the battle over fees for digital 3a solutions. This is because their target customers are clearly looking at the costs when saving for retirement. These solutions were not able to win over the trio of market leaders with fees that are around twice as high. In addition, the market leaders also offer very simple (flat-rate) fee structures: the fees are therefore not only extremely low, but the costs can also be seen at a glance.

Digital 3a pension apps from fintechs in the 120 billion market for pensions are therefore not a sure-fire success. It needs a clear, unique value proposition on a par with the market leaders and sufficient financing to ensure lasting visibility in the market. But don’t worry: there are plenty of other digital 3a pension apps on the market. Good for you, because they ensure effective competition in terms of fees.

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We have taken great care in compiling the content of this article. Nevertheless, we cannot rule out errors and cannot guarantee that the content is correct, up-to-date or complete. This article does not replace tax advice. We do not offer investment or tax advice and recommend that tax issues are always clarified with a tax expert and/or the relevant cantonal tax authorities. Any liability is rejected.

Last update: 08.12.2024 14:04

About author


Thomas verfügt über mehr als 30 Jahre Expertise als Privatanleger in fast allen Anlageklassen und zwei Vorsorgesystemen. Er gestaltet seit vielen Jahren einfache Kunden- und Serviceerlebnisse, bewegt Menschen und Organisationen und hat ein tiefes Verständnis für die Herausforderungen von Menschen bei Finanzthemen gewonnen. Thomas bringt mit seinem Background als Doktor in Wirtschaftswissenschaften Themen einfach und pragmatisch auf den Punkt.
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