Invest in pillar 3a

Pillar 3a at the beginning of the year: The early bird gets more

Säule 3a am jahresanfang einzahlen
Lesedauer 3 Minuten

Reto is 34 years old and is looking forward to spring – he can finally get out on his mountain bike more often. His thoughts are of sunshine, mountains and nature. Understandable! And yet Reto should pay in his pillar 3a at the beginning of the year. We show you why.

Reto likes to balance his job as a teacher with outdoor activities with his partner in his free time. His partner Martina works reduced hours in an administrative office. The next tax payment is due at the end of the month and the money is just about enough. Reto and Martina pay into their pillar 3a shortly before the end of the year. The bank always writes to them towards the end of the year and then they still want to benefit from the tax advantages, that much is clear.

Paying into pillar 3a at the start of the year pays off

Do you feel like these two? Then you’re in good company. Around two thirds of employed Swiss people aged 25 and over pay into pillar 3a, and almost 70% of self-employed people do so. According to the Federal Statistical Office, even in the youngest age group (25-39 years), 6 out of 10 working people say they pay into it regularly. It’s not too early to invest in a private pension at 30. But you can get even more out of your money if you get into the habit of paying into pillar 3a at the start of the year. That way, you can benefit from the higher potential returns in pillar 3a for one year longer. Time is money. This applies regardless of whether you manage your pillar 3a as a savings account or in securities.

Our tip: Discover how much you can deposit

Säule 3a maximalbetrag 2024

Better early than five to twelve pours extremely

The following comparison shows how much difference it makes to change your habit and pay into your pillar 3a at the start of the year. Reto still has a very long investment horizon until retirement and therefore invests his pillar 3a contributions in securities. So far, he has always paid in at the last minute at the end of the year. How much more will he get if he pays in the maximum amount at the beginning of the year instead of at the end?

Let’s take a look at the comparison with Zoé. She likes to get things done and decided to pay into pillar 3a at the beginning of the year.

Investment amount 7,056 francsReto: pay into pillar 3a at the end of the yearZoé: pay into pillar 3a at the start of the year
Yield per year6.7 %6.7 %
Investment period30 years31 years
3a assets at 65631,600 francs726,600 francs
Assumptions: Investment in arrears or in advance, in Reto’s case without payment in the year of retirement, average annual return MSCI World. Source:

By making regular pillar 3a payments at the beginning of the year, Zoé ends up with around CHF 95,000 more in assets than Reto. She pays more into pillar 3a once and later receives 15% more assets than if she had paid in at the end of the year!

Our tip: Discover our best pillar 3a hacks

Summary of pillar 3a payments at the beginning of the year

This example shows how dramatically the compound interest effect is underestimated. Compound interest means that in the following year you receive interest on the interest received in the previous year – this leads to exponential growth. The longer you invest, the larger your investment capital and the higher the interest rate, the greater the growth. Time makes money. Pillar 3a is particularly suitable for investing in equities due to the very long-term investment horizon, allowing you to tap into their return potential. You should therefore pay into pillar 3a at the beginning of the year.

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Last update: 01.12.2024 20:59

About author


Thomas verfügt über mehr als 30 Jahre Expertise als Privatanleger in fast allen Anlageklassen und zwei Vorsorgesystemen. Er gestaltet seit vielen Jahren einfache Kunden- und Serviceerlebnisse, bewegt Menschen und Organisationen und hat ein tiefes Verständnis für die Herausforderungen von Menschen bei Finanzthemen gewonnen. Thomas bringt mit seinem Background als Doktor in Wirtschaftswissenschaften Themen einfach und pragmatisch auf den Punkt.
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