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Every little helps. What a difference a small fee makes

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When investing, some people are completely put off by the fees – you have to recoup them first. Others don’t pay attention and then pay the bill. In fact, a small difference in fees makes a big difference. We compare active and passive investment products and do the math.

Reto is 34 years old and has an investment horizon of 31 years until retirement. His long-term investment horizon allows him to build up his 3rd pillar pension provision with equity funds. What is the difference in fees between active and passive funds in Swiss francs?

To do this, Reto first looks at two different pension funds. He compares a passive and an active 3a investment fund, each with an equity allocation of 75%. Because the products do not only invest in equities, he reduces the expected return to 5%. Reto pays in the annual savings installment at the beginning of the year, because he has learned that he is better off doing so. Unfortunately, Reto also has to pay an issue commission of 2.5% for the passive pension product and therefore includes this in his calculations.

Impact of different fees for active and passive pension products 3a
Example 1 – Investment in tied pension provisionactive 3a productpassive 3a product
Investment amount p.a.6,768 francs6,768 francs
Yield p.a.5.0 %5,0 %
One-off investment costs2.5 %2.5 %
Fees p.a.1.83 %0.38 %
Investment period31 years31 years
3a assets at 65around 350,300 francsaround 456,600 francs

The fee difference of 1.45 % has a fairly large impact over the long term: with the cheaper product, you end up with around 106,300 francs or 30 % more. Reto rubs his eyes and wonders what this means for his fund in free assets.

A year ago, Reto also bought into an active, global investment fund with an excellent Morningstar rating that has been on the market for over 10 years. For this fund, 1.8 % management costs are deducted from his fund assets each year. This is in the mid-range of the usual management costs of 1.5 to 2.1 % per year. As an alternative, he now looks at an ETF on the MSCI World, a benchmark index for global equity investments. These have management costs of 0.15 % to 0.65 %. Reto chooses the cheapest product for the comparison. As he now invests 100 % in equities, he calculates with the average annual return of the MSCI World over the last few decades. For the ETF, he only includes the purchase fee on the stock exchange because, unlike with the fund, he does not have to pay an issuing commission.

Smolio pension check shows income in retirement with pensions 2020

Find the best pillar 3a

Unbelievable – most people pay too much for their pillar 3a and get too little return. Are you one of them? Find out which pillar 3a is best suited to you with just a few clicks in our free comparison.

Find the best pillar 3a
Impact of different fees for active and passive products Pension provision 3b
Example 2 – Investment in free pension provisionactive productpassive product
Investment amount p.a.6,768 francs6,768 francs
One-off investment costs5 % issuing commission25 francs purchase fee
Yield p.a.6.7 %6.7 %
Fees p.a.1.8 %0.15 %
Investment period31 years31 years
3a assets at 65around 468,800 francsaround 676,300 francs

The differences in fees have an even greater impact herebecause there is no issuing commission for ETFs and the difference in the annual management fee of 1.65 % is even higher than for pension funds. With the passive product, Reto has 205,500 francs more in his pocket. That’s almost twice as much (44% more) than with the active product. Every little helps a lot!

Smolio pension check shows income in retirement with pensions 2020

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Last update: 26.10.2024 17:35

About author


Thomas verfügt über mehr als 30 Jahre Expertise als Privatanleger in fast allen Anlageklassen und zwei Vorsorgesystemen. Er gestaltet seit vielen Jahren einfache Kunden- und Serviceerlebnisse, bewegt Menschen und Organisationen und hat ein tiefes Verständnis für die Herausforderungen von Menschen bei Finanzthemen gewonnen. Thomas bringt mit seinem Background als Doktor in Wirtschaftswissenschaften Themen einfach und pragmatisch auf den Punkt.
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